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Dija mousse latte macchiato

Sale price€85,50 Regular price€95,00

Guida taglie
IT / EU UK US Lunghezza del piede
35 2.5 4 22.4 CM
36 3.5 5 23 CM
37 4 5 23.7 CM
38 5 6.5 24.4 CM
39 5.5 7.5 25 CM
40 6.5 8 25.7 CM
41 7.5 9 26.4 CM
Dija mousse latte macchiato
Dija mousse latte macchiato Sale price€85,50 Regular price€95,00

High quality materials

100% handmade products

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High quality materials

From soft leather to elegant fabric, Marta Ray elevates the fashion experience through meticulous selection of high-quality materials.

Artisan tradition

At the heart of every Marta Ray creation beats the passion for artisan tradition. Marta, with her Polish spirit and Italian soul, intertwines craftsmanship with an eye towards the future.

Take care

With the distinctive quality of Marta Ray materials, our products are not just accessories, but lasting investments. Treat them with the same care with which they were created, and you will experience a style experience that stands the test of time with elegance and refinement.

Our product care kits will be available soon

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